2014 Aether Matrix Pinot Noir
Santa Barbara County, CA
Winemaker Notes
So what is the Matrix you might ask, besides a cool name and a cooler movie. To me words are like notes or phrasing in a guitar solo. Each word/note has a meaning – both implied and defined, if you like, inflection, connection to other words or phrases. Webster’s first definition of matrix reads – “something within which something else originates or develops”. Matrix is also defined as an “ordered interconnected web”- like a mosaic. Both of these concepts, I think, are appropriate metaphors for wine. A mosaic of flavors and aromas ever changing and moving through time. In our case the Matrix is the fusion of the energy and flavors of two vineyards with divergent yet simpatico character – Quinta del Mar and Drum Canyon. In simple terms, QDM provides the lush fruit and DC the tension and spine. The fusion though is interconnected at the molecular level and these wines really do like each other. The Matrix should be tasty and thought provoking. An ordered blend made from equal parts ideas and substance.
Big aromas and flavor - not shy
Well composed fruit with a long definitive finish
Broad flavor plateau, nice texture, lively with
sweet fruit continuing to emerge
Tannins apparent but integrated
Sophisticated, good energy.
—Jeff Fink
2014 Aether Matrix Pinot Noir Tech Sheet
Drum Canyon is a 56.5-acre vineyard located about two miles west of Pence Ranch along Highway 246 in the Santa Rita Hills. It is a well-drained sloping site with southeast exposition. Planted in 2003, the vineyard, owned by the Dierberg Family, contains 26 blocks of multiple clones and rootstocks of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. The soil is loam with some sandy loam and clay. Row direction is north/south due to the topography.